A North Carolina-based climate advocacy group filed a complaint this week with the Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General charging that the EPA is covering up underreporting of the natural gas industry's emissions of methane, an especially potent greenhouse gas.
This year the Environmental Defense Fund hired a leak detection company to fly a helicopter over 8,000 oil and gas drilling sites in seven states and use infrared technology to document leaks. This is what they captured at one site in Texas. (Image is a still from this EDF video.)
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<p>This year the Environmental Defense Fund hired a leak detection company to fly a helicopter over 8,000 oil and gas drilling sites in seven states and use infrared technology to document leaks. This is what they captured at one site in Texas. (Image is a still from <a href="https://www.edf.org/blog/2016/04/21/we-flew-over-8000-oil-and-gas-wells-heres-what-we-found">this EDF video</a>.)</p>